So, my friends, this, my 29th year, has officially ended. At approximately 3:10 pm CST I will OFFICIALLY officially be out of my 20s, flipping the first number forward to a “3”. I’m sad to see my 20s go, as it was a decade of massive amounts of change and growth and blah and blah fill-in-psycho-babble-speak-here. And like any birthday, I look back and have a few thoughts about things I feel I may have missed out on, things I might have done differently, and things I wouldn’t change for the world because they were that much fun. However, while I’m sad to see the 20s go, I’m certainly not sorry. Because overall? There was a good chunk of time in there that was topsy-turvy, and not in a good way. (Some of it was in a great way, though, I will say.) Good grief, you can have the 20s. I expect that the 30s will also have a lot of topsy-turviness, but at least this time I know myself a little better. And I have more money. (Not a lot more, which isn’t hard, because who are we kidding? I think nuns on a vow of poverty make more than I did when I first started working.) So that’s always nice.
Though I didn’t have quite as many adventures as I’d hoped, I certainly had a lot, all of which were enjoyable. I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I had experiencing and writing about them.
And before you get all teary-eyed that this is the last you’ll read of my scintillating tales, fear not. May I direct you to my new blog? Yes, I may: Come visit! Otherwise I’ll miss you, Interneters, which would make me sad, and possibly make me cry. And do you really want to make me cry? On my birthday? That’s just mean.
1 comment:
happy birthday!!!
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